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June 06, 2007

Seminar: There Is More To Search Than Google!

Find What You Are Looking for

Presented by: Richard L. Kuper


* If you think you are finding everything there is to find using only one search tool, guess again.

* There are many different ways to search for things online, be it for research, for business, for personal needs, or whatever.

* Whether you are a novice internet user or a more experienced internet user, you will likely learn something that you did not know before.

REGISTER for the next session: June 20

* Limited Seating *

** Door Prize **

* Advanced registration required *


* "Presentation was lively and informative. Terrific for the novice and experienced as well."

"I learned about many different ways to search and the strengths and limitations of Google and other search tools."

"The best part for me was learning about more appropriate starting points for searches on specialized subjects."

REGISTER for the next session: June 20



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