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April 22, 2006

Data exposure: Counties across the U.S. posting sensitive info online

Richard Kuper
The Kuper Report

Data exposure: Counties across the U.S. posting sensitive info online

Social Security numbers, driver's license data and bank account numbers are all easily available

The above is the headline in a recent ComputerWorld article . It seems that there are "hundreds of counties in several states that in recent years have made Social Security numbers, driver's license information, bank account numbers and a variety of other personally sensitive data belonging to residents available to anyone in the world with Internet access."

Among the easily available information:

Rep. Tom Delay’s Social Security number on a tax lien document; the Social Security numbers for Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and his wife on a quit claim deed from 1999; driver’s license numbers, addresses, vehicle registration information, height and race of individuals arrested for traffic violations; names and dates of birth of minors from final divorce decrees and family court documents; and even complete copies of death certificates with Social Security numbers, dates of birth and cause of death. (The Social Security numbers for Bush and his wife have been redacted and are no longer available online.)"

So what part of protecting our privacy and security don't the county, state, and federal governments get? This is a serious problem, affecting the lives of citizens across the country. There are laws on the books that corporations must follow regarding such privacy and security. These laws should also apply to government entities.

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R.L. Kuper, Inc. - Management Consulting

April 21, 2006

New Westchester County, NY Law Requires Businesses To Secure Wireless Networks

Richard Kuper
The Kuper Report

On April 20, 2006 Westchester County Executive Andy Spano signed a bill into law that requires commercial businesses that offer public Internet access and/or maintain personal information on a wireless network to take “minimum security measures.”

This law may be the first of its kind. It applies to all commercial businesses that collect personal customer information such as social security numbers, credit card or bank account information, and also have a wireless network. Businesses that offer public Internet access must also “conspicuously post a sign” advising customers to “install a firewall or other computer security measure when accessing the Internet.”

More details can be found at http://www.westchestergov.com/currentnews/2006pr/Wifinew.htm

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R.L. Kuper, Inc. - Management Consulting

April 04, 2006

Avoiding and Removing Spyware

Richard Kuper
The Kuper Report

The Anti-Spyware Coalition (http://www.antispywarecoalition.org) has published documents for both consumers and businesses on the topic of spyware. The most concise ones are:

For Consumers: Protecting Your Computer: Avoiding and Removing Spyware

For Businesses: Protecting Your Network: Mitigating Spyware in Organizations

As you go about protecting yourself from spyware, please keep in mind that a number of anti-spyware and anti-adware products are set to automatically remove things that are NOT spyware, but are instead useful cookies. Please see "Not All Cookies Are Bad" elsewhere in this newsletter.

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R.L. Kuper, Inc. - Management Consulting

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