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June 09, 2006

US House of Representatives Votes Against Net Neutrality

Richard Kuper
The Kuper Report

This is important news for the entire internet community.

In late May, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, creator of the World Wide Web, warned that the internet would be entering a "dark period" if access suppliers were allowed to prioritize traffic based on who paid the most for that priority.

If that happens, consumers and less affluent businesses are the big losers, as their emails and such may not get through or may get seriously delayed, while those with the most money will, in essence, get to spam your inbox at will.

Apparently the majority of the House of Representatives doesn't understand the consequences. Although this newsletter is not a political forum, in this case it is probably appropriate to suggest that you may want to contact your representatives and try to explain the importance of net neutrality. This issue now goes to the Senate, so you will probably want to contact your Senators to try to get them to understand the importance of net neutrality before they vote.

Read about the House action here.

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